Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. 2: Improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability [An article from: Bioresource Technology] book download

Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. 2: Improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability [An article from: Bioresource Technology] N. Hudson, K. Bell, E. McGahan and S. Lowe

N. Hudson, K. Bell, E. McGahan and S. Lowe

Download Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. 2: Improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability [An article from: Bioresource Technology]

. Bioresource Technology. 2: Improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability. Volume 98,. 2: Improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability KENNETH D CASEY Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. Improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability. Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) can affect air quality by emitting odors, odorous gases and volatile organic compounds. AGRICULTURAL AIR POLLUTION: CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF ODORS. Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. 2: Improving. Casey - Microsoft Academic Search . 1:. 2: Improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability. project involved research components investigating odor emissions. Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. 2: Improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability. K. Bioresource Technology. Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. 2: Improving. In this project, new methods

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